
Teen Titans

Teen Titans

Teen Titans (2003)

The first time I got aquainted with the show was this Teen Titans beanie I would constantly wear as a freshman in College. I also have this persistent memory of an encounter with a fellow student at a bus stop when I was wearing said beanie. Who then of course asked if I was freshman. I wonder what gave it away? >.<!

The Theme Song

I’ve always heard good things about the Teen Titans (2003) but never gave it shot until recently when I stumbled upon it on Amazon Prime Video. The first thing that struck out to me was the amazing opening theme song by Puffy AmiYumi, who actually had their own show on Cartoon Network! Unfortunately you can’t find it on Spotify but luckily fans have uploaded it on YT. Full Version (English), Intro Version (English), Full Version (Japanese), and Intro Version (Japanese). It’s pretty cool that they have both English and Japanese of the theme song. They actually alternate between both versions on the show which is amazing. Don’t think I’ve seen a show do something like that before. According to the wiki page, the Japanese version intro is used for funny episodes whereas the English version is used for more serious episodes. I’ll have to keep an eye out for this as I continue watching the show. If you click on the Full Version (English) link, it leads a full music video of the English theme song with a nice solo by the legendary Guitar Wolf. Another thing to note about the Teen Titans theme song is that it reminds me of the iconic Adam West Batman Theme. Though according to the wiki, the theme song maybe more inspired by 60’s surf rock and “Secret Agent Man”.

There’s actually even a secret third version of the intro that is played in S02E011 Fractured. Puffy AmiYumi’s producer Toshiro Kai sings this version which is also known as Larry’s Version!

Possible the Best Teen Titan Episode Ever

Season 4 Ep 1: Episode 257-494. Do you want cultural references? Well look no further. This episode is literally packed with them. Star Wars, Highlander, Terminator, references. Also has an live action scene. An ultra widescreen scene.

Notable Voice Actors

I was watching the S02E04 Episode Only Human and after the main villain of the episode, Atlas, spoke, I knew I heard his voice before. After some minor digging, I found that the voice actor for Atlas is Keith David. Probably best known for his work on the 1982 horror classic, The Thing.

Next on the list we have S02E07 Transformation where the main narrator is Tony Jay. His distinctive baritone voice can be recognized as the Elder God in the Legacy of Kain Video Game Series.

Does anyone remember Milton from Office Space (1999) or Gordon from Dodgeball (2004) played by Stephen Root? Well, he guest stars in Season 4 Ep 6: Troq as Val-Yor, the racist superhero.

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